Parent Phone Calls - pupil release times Mon30th-Fri 04 Dec.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
School will close from 1.10pm on Monday 30th - Friday 04th December to facilitate parent consultations via phone call. Classes will be released on a staggered phase basis (arrangements below) starting with P1/2 and P3/5 to minimise congestion and to follow all rules in relation to social distancing.
P1(x2)- 2 classes leave via the rear enclosure at 1.10pm.
P2(x2)– 2 classes leave via the rear enclosure at 1.15pm.
P3 Mrs Boyd/Miss Mann- class leaves via the front door at 1.10pm.
P5 Mrs Crawford - class leaves via the green gates at the bike shelter on the Portadown Road side of the school playground at 1.15pm.
P3 Mrs King - class leaves via the junior rear playground green gates at 1.20pm.
P4 Mrs Cunningham /Mrs Betts – class leaves via the front door at 1.20pm
P4Mrs Mawhinney/Mrs Geary – class leaves via the green gates at the bike shelter at 1.20pm on the Portadown Road side of the school playground.
P6 Miss Harte - class leaves via P1 entrance door with teacher at 1.20pm for release from the staff car park on the Ballymore Road.
P5 Mrs Frizzell– class leaves via the front door at 1.30pm
P6/7 Mrs Balfour - class leaves via the P1 door with teacher at 1.30pm for release from the staff car park on the Ballymore Road.
P7 Mr Hodgins- class leaves via the P1 door with teacher at 1.35pm for release from the staff car park on the Ballymore Road.
Please do not park in the staff car park on the Portadown Road side of the school as pupils will have to walk through this area. Parents should vacate the school area immediately whilst social distancing at all times.