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Edinburgh 2018 Day 4

Up early, a quick breakfast and then it was time to pack the coach.  A last minute room inspection revealed a sock, wallet and facecloth, but on the whole the kids were really well organised.  


It was a short drive to Blair Drummond.  When we arrived the coach drove through the safari park and we were able to see a wide variety of wild animals.  A highlight was when we were in the lion enclosure and they keepers released what appeared to be a new lioness into the area.  The pride who were lying quite peacefully on the grass instantly got to their feet and we witnessed a a rather feisty confrontation.  Following this we entered the monkey enclosure and one cheeky little monkey scaled the front of our coach attempting to rip off the wing mirror as he took to the roof.  Eventually we were able to move on and park the coach.


We headed straight for the zip line and the kids loved taking turns to zoom over the lake below.  This was followed by a turn in the paddle boats.  Afterwards we all squeezed onto a large motor boat and headed out to Chimp Island.


The children were keen to see the sea lion show and they were not disappointed. Two sea lions entertained us with a fascinating display.  Some of our pupils could learn a thing or two about following instructions from the two sea lion pups.


After lunch we spent some time in the fantastic play park then it was back on the bus and off to spend some money in the shopping centre at Brae Head.  After 2 hours of shopping the children returned with lots of interesting and thoughtful gifts.  


Our coach journey to the ferry became something of a musical extravaganza as we were entertained in a singalong version of The Greatest Showman. Once on board the boat we headed for the restaurant and then got to watch Portugal v Spain.  


Everyone was in good spirits and several have commented on this being the highlight of their P7 year.
