28 KS2 Sports Day Practice TJHS
30 PTA Summer Fair 6.30-8.30pm
31 P6 trip to Lough Neagh Disc.Centre
03 Edinburgh meeting 7.00pm
03 TJHS test P7
03 Health & Well-Being -Zumba Fitness
04 Sports Day
05 Nutritional talk Dairy Council P5-6
06 Healthy Me(mental health), House Sports
07 Bee Active Fitness, P6 Football & TJHS Sp.Day
10 P1 Intake Meeting 6.30pm
11 New P1 pupils get visit from P1 teachers
11-14 P7 Edinburgh Trip
14 New P1 pupils get visit from P1 teachers
17 House Quiz
18 Barnabas Award
19 P6 & 7 Trip to Ulster American Folk Park
19 ‘Tandragee’s Got Talent’ auditions
20 Prize Day/Leaver’s Assembly
21 P3 & P5 Cinema Trip (Provisional)
21 ‘Tandragee’s Got Talent’ finals
24 Minute to Win it!
25 Final Assembly
25 P1 trip to Peter Pans
25 Pupil reports released
25 Markethill Athletics Competition
26 P4 trip to The Argory (Provisionally)
26 House winners’ treat
27 Love for Life P7 transfer post primary talk
28 Last day of term (11.45-12noon release)